
Leading Accounting and Consulting Firm

SGA is the leading accounting and consulting firm located at Butwal Rupandehi, State no. 5, Nepal, offering wide range of services in the field of accounting, auditing, Taxation, corporate advisory, management consulting and other allied services.

SGA is a chartered accountant firm registered at The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal. However, due to professional networks, It has access to international information and support. The professional service standards of SGA are of International Standard. The Firm has unique strength over other professional firms in the State, due to inter alia, following specific factor:

  • We are the pioneers of the institutionalized accounting profession in the State. We are not only the professional chartered accountants in Nepal, but also pioneered in creation of professional working environment in the State.
  • The services rendered by us are of high international standard, of course, tailored to local needs and requirements;
  • Our professionals have international training and orientation, and continue to get updated with international service standards. SGA has the system of continue education program under which, apart from formal training, we provide special problem oriented training program to all staff a day in a week; all the directors have retreat meetings once a month for reviewing the professional standards;
  • Our main strength is in providing consulting and audit services to various business including not limited to the Manufacturing, Trading and Service Industry.